The Next Gen: Producers Cutting Through with Curiosity
Date & Time
Wednesday, August 16, 2023, 1:30 PM - 2:30 PM
Hayley Adams Ling Ang Leena Van Deventer Michael Hudson Luke Saliba Paul Wiegard

The heart of being entrepreneurial is to have a healthy dose of curiosity. Rising producers and screen practitioners share their thoughts on the state of the Australian screen industry and how they are making it work for them by using innovation and imagination and how they are looking outside of traditional means to stay sustainable in the screen industry. What trends they’re paying attention to and what do they see as the way forward in a competitive industry. Through their eyes, gain a deeper understanding of the challenges and opportunities in an ever-competitive industry by developing multidisciplinary skills that enrich the production process and contribute to the future of screen production development.


Location Name
RMIT Cinema