“....The Ones To Watch program was a supportive and nurturing training ground to me in many ways. From listening to great guest speakers from numerous roles across the screen industry, membership access and the networking it was great and would encourage others to apply. Shout out to the SPA team for making it a safe and encouraging space for all!....”

- Nara Wilson, Ones To Watch 2023

“....Initially I was drawn to the recognition of One’s To Watch but the program offers so much more than that. With curated workshops, connections and understanding of what SPA and other orgs connected to the program can offer you for your membership I would highly recommend the program to any key creative interested in producing and pitching projects....”

- Chanel Bowen, Ones To Watch 2022

“....the Ones To Watch program has given me an unprecedented level of profile, platform, and publicity. It was a valuable vote of confidence and the industry is really supportive and enthusiastic when you say, 'I am a SPA Ones To Watch'. My OTW mentor was generous with her experience and gave valuable feedback on how my pitches and projects were progressing. We are still in touch....”

- Aven Yap, Ones To Watch 2022

"....know for sure what you want to get out of it. Like any course or degree, there needs to be a clear purpose, so I suggest outlining the goals you want to achieve through this program, so once you get in, you can take full advantage of all its many rare and unique benefits....” 

- Jessica Magro, Ones To Watch 2021

“…. start with devising your strategy, communicate how the program will help you reach your goals and make sure your slate of projects is defined - otherwise you won't get to maximise the benefits on offer through the program....” 

- Jo Austin, Ones To Watch 2021

"....the highlight of the Ones to Watch program was definitely the networking - I'm still in touch with many of the other Ones to Watch and am actively developing some projects with them too. The best thing you can do is collaborate with like-minded people, and Ones to Watch has forged some really key working relationships that I wouldn't have had otherwise.

Have a strong slate of projects ready to go that are ACTUALLY developed - I think there's a common misconception that Ones to Watch is a development initiative, but rather it highlights Producers already working in their fields. Having a track record/body of work is always a plus too! Also, I think being able to explore your passion for the industry, and why you want to be a Filmmaker sets you apart - if you could do anything else, go do that...." 

- Vonne Patiag, Ones To Watch 2019